Take back the night

Lyrics by David Z, song by Dave Vanderlinde

My song, "Take Back the Night" is no mere Halloween story about monsters. Instead, it is allegory about the modern political climate and my mission to correct it.

Zombie undead coming our way
Evil monsters, make them pay
They want to rule our town
But they're going down, down

You see David Z standing tall
He'll make the zombies small
Mister Zokaites will excite us
Zombies undead won't bite us

David Z, yeah he's our man
Yes indeed now that's the plan
We are strong we will rise
Beat 'em down, no zombie survives

Dark ones - bring us hateful fear
Evil is here so very clear
Dark with greed and power
Now is their fiery hour

Find the light, hold it tight
Evil thoughts we must fight
Arise oh my sleeping people
Meet me at the church steeple

Hope and truth still persist
I see them distant in the mist
They light my beacon song
To them we must belong

Zombies undead coming our way
Evil monsters, make them pay
They want to rule our town
But they're going down, down

You see David Z standing tall
He'll make the zombies small
Mister Zokaites will excite us
Zombies undead won't bite us